按以下連結直接開始Quizizz問答遊戲: Click the following links to start a Quizizz quiz game:  如何修改?How to edit?

如開啟以下Quizizz連結時網頁顯示「Quiz not found」,請先登入Quizizz網站再嘗試。 If the web page shows ‘Quiz not found’ after clicking the following links, please log in Quizizz first and try again.  詳情Detail


如已登入Quizizz教師帳戶,將可如常開啟練習、啟動即時遊戲及發放家課(Homework)。經教師發放的練習,學生可如常直接輸入遊戲編碼 (Game Code) 進入,不用登入Quizizz帳戶。如教師未有Quiziz帳戶,可按此登記。

Due to the recent update in Quizizz website, the website will automatically block the exercise if it contains ‘inappropriate’ words that checked by the system, such as the names of some human organs. The visitors who have not logged in Quizizz or the student accounts under the age of 13 will not be able to enter the exercise.

If teachers have logged in Quizizz with their teacher accounts, they can open the exercise, start the instant game and deliver homework as usual. For the exercises released by teachers, students can also enter with the Game Code as usual (no need to log in their Quizizz accounts). If teachers do not have the Quizizz accounts yet, please click here to register.

5-minute quiz五分鐘小測

Chapter test每章測驗