智能家居:利用 IoT 技術和 IFTTT 製作保安設備 (學生版)Household project: Making security devices using IoT and IFTTT (Student's version)

標題:Title:智能家居 II:利用 IoT 技術和 IFTTT 製作保安設備Household project II: Making security devices using IoT and IFTTT
主題及重點:Unit: 主題三:互聯相依的當代世界
學習技能:Learning skill: micro:bitmicro:bit ArduinoArduino IoT:bitIoT:bit
學習範圍:Learning areas: 0 了解感應技術、無線通訊、資料傳輸和安全等方面的科學知識 0 運用IoT技術和IFTTT網絡服務 0 設計和製作保安設備 0 分析及記錄相關數據






micro:bit與人腦運作的類比The analogy between micro:bit and the human brain


Detecting the change in certain ‘physical quantities’ in the environment is the basic principle of using micro:bit. The micro:bit may then take adequate reaction according to the change. This is similar to how the human brain works. The brain integrates and interprets the signals from the sense organs, produces senses, decides on actions and sends signals to the muscles to make a response.


Let’s use the previous activity ‘Automatic Alcohol Sprayer’ as an example. When we approach the device, the sonar and infrared temperature sensor of the sprayer, which act like the ‘sense organs’, detect the stimulus from the surroundings. Then, micro:bit acts like our brain to integrate and analyse the signals from the sensors. It then orders to the motor of the device to respond by pushing the alcohol out.


Sonar and infrared temperature sensor on the device are responsible for detecting stimulus.


The micro:bit acts like human brain when program is imported, which analyses data and gives order.


The motor receives orders from micro:bit to make a response.


The motor pushes the handle of the sprayer to squeeze the alcohol out.


Now we know that when we use micro:bit to carry out activities, we often need to detect the ‘stimulus’ or changes in the surroundings. Different kinds of sensors are required to act as ‘sense organs’. Here are some commonly used sensors:


Temperature and humidity sensor


Light intensity sensor




Soil moisture sensor


Infrared temperature sensor


The micro:bit can be used to detect temperature, position, voltage and current.


了解 IoT 技術和智能家居
The micro:bit can be used with IoT technology, which can transfer detected data to the Internet for saving and further study.
IoT技術與應用What is IoT?



The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of objects that are equipped with sensors, software, or other technologies, in order to exchange data between different devices and systems through the Internet. Different things in this network can then be ‘connected’.

IoT enables ‘device-to-device communication’. It has many applications in daily life. Let’s see some examples below.

保健科技﹕一些可穿戴的儀器例如手錶可用來監測 人體的生理狀況,包括心跳率、血糖水平以至有否 憂鬱等。透過IoT技術,這些可穿戴的儀器讓我們 更清楚自己的身體狀況,並讓醫生遙距觀察病人。

Healthcare Technology: Wearables such as a watch can be used to monitor body conditions including heart rate, blood glucose levels and even depression. Those wearables using IoT enable us to better understand our own health and allow doctors to monitor patients remotely.


Smart Cities: Scientists and engineers can use IoT in areas like water management, waste control and transportation. For example, in Los Angeles, sensors on the road send real-time data of traffic flow to a central platform, which will then analyse the data and automatically adjust the traffic lights to cope with the traffic situation.



Search information on the Internet and state TWO more applications of IoT.



Search information on the Internet and state TWO disadvantages of using IoT.


IFTTT (IF This Then That)是一個新興的免費網絡服務,根據其他不同平台的條件來決定是 是否執行命令。這是其中一個例子:如果明天的天氣預測是下雨天,在今天傍晚傳送一個電郵或短訊給我。

網站: https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0002.c

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT (IF This Then That) is a free web-based service to create chains of simple conditional statements, called applets. Here is an example: if the weather forecast for tomorrow is rain, send me an email or message by this evening.

Website: https://ifttt.com/

智能家居是甚麼?What is a smart home?

智能家居是指透過應用 IoT技術來達致家居自動化。家居自動化系統能夠控制燈光、温度、影音設備 以及其他電器。此外,家居保安系統例如出入控制或警報器也是智能家居的一部分。

A smart home means building automation for your home with the application of IoT. A home automation system can control lighting, electrical appliances, entertainment systems, etc. It may also include home security such as access control and alarm systems.

家居自動化的例子Examples of home automation system


Lighting control


Control electrical appliances by voice


Temperature control

設計與製作智能防盜盒子Making a smart security box


We are going to make a smart security box. When someone tries to open your box, you will receive a warning message. The basic idea is as follows.

  1. 把一個micro:bit(已連接至IoT:bit)和光強度感應器放進盒子內。
  2. 它們會檢測盒子內的光強度是否高於某特定數值,然後把已分析的數據傳送至ThingSpeak網站。
  3. 如果光強度持續高於所設的特定數值一段時間,代表盒子正被打開,ThingSpeak會「告訴」IFTTT給我們發送一個警告信息。
  1. Put a micro:bit (connected to IoT:bit) and a light sensor into the box.
  2. They will check whether the light intensity is higher than a certain value. The micro:bit will send the data to the website ThingSpeak.
  3. If the light intensity remains high for a certain time, which indicates that the box is being opened, Thingspeak will ‘tell’ IFTTT to send us a warning message.

建議材料及工具︰ Materials:


1. 把樣本程式檔案儲存至micro:bit(連接至光強度感應器和IoT:bit):
micro:bit程式檔案 Arduino程式檔案

1. Import the sample code into the micro:bit (connected to IoT:bit, Wi-Fi and light intensity sensor):
>Program file of micro:bit Program file of Arduino

2. 把連接好的micro:bit放進盒子中。

2. Put the micro:bit and the sensor into a drawer.


Finish the settings on IFTTT website: https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0004.e

3. 完成ThingSpeak網站上的設定:https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0005.c

3. Finish the settings on ThingSpeak website: https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0005.e

4. 如果你的盒子被打開, IFTTT上已設定的 「事件」便會被觸發。

4. If the box is opened by someone, an event will be triggered on IFTTT.

5. 一個警告信息(如email或line)便會傳送給你。

5. A message (like email or line) will be sent to you.

設計與製作智能保安門Making a smart security door


We are going to make a smart security door. When a thief tries to open the door, an alarm will be triggered and we will receive a message warning us. The basic idea is as follows.

  1. 把一個micro:bit(已連接至IoT:bit)和喇叭連接起來,並用錫紙在門和門框建立一個完整電路。
  2. micro:bit會檢測電路是否有電流通過。如檢測不到電流通過,表示門被打開,喇叭便會響起。micro:bit 也會把已分析的數據傳送至 ThingSpeak 網站。
  3. 如果門被持續打開一段時間,ThingSpeak會「告訴」IFTTT給我們發送一個警告信息。
  1. Connect a micro:bit (connected to IoT:bit) with a buzzer to two strips of aluminium foil pasted on the door frame. Another strip of aluminium foil is pasted on the door.
  2. If the door is opened, the circuit will become incomplete. The alarm will be triggered and the micro:bit will send data to the website ThingSpeak.
  3. If the door remains opened for a certain time, Thingspeak will ‘tell’ IFTTT to send us a warning message.

建議材料及工具︰ Materials:


1. 把樣本程式檔案儲存至micro:bit(連接至喇叭和IoT:bit):
micro:bit程式檔案 Arduino程式檔案

1. Import the sample code into the micro:bit (connected to IoT:bit, Wi-fi and buzzer):
Program file of micro:bit Program file of Arduino

2. 把連接好的micro:bit放近門邊。

2. Put the micro:bit near a door.

3. 用夾把micro:bit連接至門框的兩塊錫紙。

3. Paste two aluminium strips on the door frame and connect them to the micro:bit.

4. 在門邊也加上一塊錫紙,當門關好時,電路便閉合。

4. Paste another aluminium strip on the door.

5. 完成IFTTT網站上的設定:https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0007.c

5. Finish the settings on IFTTT website: https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0007.e

6. 完成ThingSpeak網站上的設定:https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0008.c

6. Finish the settings on ThingSpeak website: https://e-aristo.hk/r/csSTEM0008.e

7. 如果門被打開, IFTTT上已設定的「事件」便會被觸發,喇叭也會響起。

7. If the door is open, an event will be triggered on IFTTT and the buzzer will beep.

8. 一個警告信息(如email或line)便會傳送給你。

8. A message (like email or line)will be sent to you.

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