自製電動機(學生版)Making a DIY motor (Student's version)

STEM連繫 8.1STEM connection 8.1自製電動機Making a DIY motor
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學習技能:Learning skill: DIYDIY
難度﹕Difficulty: ★ ★
時間﹕Time: 2 節課2 lessons

在這個活動中,你會自製不同的電動機,並用它們來製作一個主題樂園!In this project, you are going to make some DIY motors and use them to make an amusement park!
Watch the sample video:

自製旋轉木馬Making a DIY Merry-go-round

1. 把一粒1.5 V AA電池放在兩粒強釹磁鐵(neodymium magnet)上。

1. Put a 1.5 V AA cell on two strong neodymium magnets.

2. 把漆皮銅線扭曲成下圖所示的形狀。使用砂紙磨去銅線頂部和彎曲部分的漆皮。

2. Twist a copper wire into the shape as shown. Use a sandpaper to rub the top part and the curved parts of the wire.

3. 使用牙簽把紙製的「旋轉木馬」和銅線連繫起來。

3. Use a toothpick to attach a paper ‘Merry-go-round’ to the copper wire.

4. 把銅線放在電池的正極上。你已製成一個旋轉木馬!

4. Place the copper wire on the positive terminal of the cell. A DIY Merry-go-round is done!

自製犘天輪Making a DIY Ferris wheel

1. 把漆皮銅線捲曲成一個大約有20匝的線圈。使用砂紙磨去銅線兩端的漆皮。

1. Wind a copper wire into a coil of about 20 turns as shown. Use a sandpaper to rub the two ends of the wire.

2. 如所示把兩個萬字夾製成「鉤」狀,並把一粒1.5 V AA電池連接至它們中間。

2. Make two paper clips into a ‘hook’ shape as shown. Fix them to a 1.5 V AA cell.

3. 把兩粒長方形的磁石放在電池上。

3. Put two rectangular magnets on the cell.

4. 把紙製的「摩天輪」連接至銅線,並把銅線放置在萬字夾的「鉤」上。你已製成一個摩天輪!

4. Attach a paper ‘Ferris wheel’ to the wire and place the wire on the ‘hooks’. A DIY Ferris wheel is done!

自製磁浮列車Making a DIY Maglev train

1. 把沒有漆皮的銅線捲曲成以下形狀,作為列車的「隧道」。

1. Make a ‘tunnel’ of the train using copper wire without coating as shown.

2. 把兩粒釹磁鐵分別連接至1.5 V AA電池的兩端。把它放進「隧道」內,你已製成一架磁浮列車!

2. Attach two neodymium magnets to both sides of a 1.5 V AA cell. Put it into the ‘tunnel’. A DIY Maglev train is done!

自製海盜船Making a DIY Pirate ship

1. 使用砂紙磨去兩條銅線末端的漆皮,並把它們繫在一條銅棒/黃銅棒上。

1. Use a sandpaper to rub the ends of two long copper wires. Attach them to a copper/brass rod.

2. 如所示使用三支木條製作支架。透過把銅線繞在支架上,使黃銅棒懸掛起來。

2. Use three wooden sticks to make a frame. Hang the brass rod on the frame by winding the copper wire on the entire frame as shown.

3. 把長方形磁石放在銅棒/黃銅棒下,並把兩粒1.5 V AA電池放在對面。使用砂紙磨去兩條銅線另外一端的漆皮。

3. Put a rectangular magnet under the copper/brass rod and put two 1.5 V AA cells on the opposite side. Rub the other ends of the wires with a sandpaper.

4. 把紙製的「海盜船」貼在黃銅棒上。將其中一條銅線的末端連接至電池,並把另一銅線反覆輕拍至電池的另一邊。你已製成一個海盜船!

4. Attach a ‘Pirate ship’ onto the rod. Keep one end of the wire in touch with a terminal of the cell, while tapping the other end at the other terminal. A DIY Pirate ship is done!

試想想Think about
What is the working principle of an electric motor?
State the energy conversion when a motor works.
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