簡易廢物分類回收箱(學生工作紙)Simple Waste Separation Recycling Bin (Student's Worksheets)

STEM創作室STEM Project簡易廢物分類回收箱Simple Waste Separation Recycling Bin
下載:Download: 學生工作紙 Student’s Worksheet 立體打印檔 3d printing files
學習技能:Learning skill: 立體打印3d printing 編程活動Programming DIYDIY
學習範圍:Learning areas: 0 廢物與溫室效應的關係及其他廢物處理新發明New waste treatment technologies 0 使用立體打印機製作垃圾袋分類夾、程式編寫活動Produce bin bag clips by a 3D printer 0 回收箱製作Make a recycling bin 0 回收箱體積計算Calculate the capacity of a recycling bin
議題重點:Main issues: 廢物問題、全球增溫及回收處理Waste problem, global warming, recycling




The trend of globalisation has promoted economic development and improved the standard of living of some countries. However, it led to over-consumption and over-production. This threatens our environment as the use and disposal of products have consumed a large amount of energy that has caused a large increase in greenhouse gas emission. Global warming is thus intensified.

Environmentally-friendly lifestyle can reduce carbon emissions effectively. In this activity, we will learn how to make a small waste separation bin so that we can practise recycling easily at home and at school.

基礎知識Background knowledge
廢物問題與氣候變化Waste problem and climate change

據環保署統計,香港在 2015 年平均每日棄置 15,102 公噸固體廢物於堆填區,其中家居廢物是最主要的廢物來源,佔總量的 43%;而每名香港人平均每日則製造 1.39 公斤都市固體廢物,高於其他國家的水平。這些固體廢物在運送、處理及堆填的過程中釋出大量二氧化碳和甲烷等溫室氣體,以致更多熱能在大氣中積聚,加劇本港的熱島效應乃至全球增溫問題。溫度上升不僅令海水膨脹和加快冰川融化,導致海平面上升;還令熱浪、寒潮及熱帶氣旋等極端天氣增多,擾亂生態系統的運作。

According to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), 15,102 tonnes of solid waste were disposed of at landfills daily in 2015. Domestic waste is the major source, accounting for 43% of the total production. The treatment of such enormous amount of solid waste emits large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane, which are greenhouse gases that trap in the atmosphere. This does not only intensify the heat island effect in Hong Kong, but also contributes to global warming. A warmer climate will cause an increase in sea level, more extreme weather events and disturb the ecosystem.

科學概念Scientific concept
實踐 3R 環保原則Practising the 3R principle

全球人口持續增長,製造更多固體廢物。在很多較發達國家,人們購買的產品往往多於他們的實際需要,產生大量廢物。在製造各類產品及處理廢物的過程,都會釋出大量二氧化碳,加劇全球的溫室效應。其實,只要我們可以在日常生活中實踐 3R 環保原則減少使用 Reduce重複使用 Reuse循環再造 Recycle),便已有助解決環境問題。


As the global population keeps increasing, more solid waste is produced. In many more developed countries, people purchase more goods than they need, resulting in a large amount of waste. This kind of lifestyle has enhanced the greenhouse effect. In fact, by practising the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), the environmental problem can be reduced effectively.

In this activity, you will learn the ways of making a simple waste separation bin. Let’s protect the environment by promoting recycling.

設計與製作Design and DIY
使用簡單材料製作廢物分類箱Using simple materials to make a waste separation bin



Method 1:

Divide the rubbish bin into four parts by wooden chopsticks. Put a bin bag inside each part for collecting different types of waste.



Wooden chopstickSeveral
Bin bag or plastic bag4

Be careful when using scissors or a cutter, or it is better to wear safety gloves.

1. 使用膠紙將4枝筷子製作成一個「十」字形狀的支架。

1. Use chopsticks and tape to make a ‘+’ frame.

2. 把支架放在廢物箱上,將廢物箱分成四個部分。

2. Place the frame over the rubbish bin to divide it into four parts.

3. 用夾子或衣夾將垃圾袋固定在廢物箱的支架上。

3. Use clips to fix the bin bags firmly on the frame.

4. 完成。你現在可將不同廢物放在不同的垃圾袋,方便回收。

4. Finished. Now, you can put different wastes into different bags for the purpose of recycling.

5. 你可在垃圾箱上放上適當圖示,方便使用。

5. You can also provide suitable labels to the bin for convenient recycling.

6. 可參考常見的回收箱分類,即廢紙、塑膠、金屬及其他垃圾。

6. Common waste categories include papers, plastics, and metals, etc.



Method 2:

Use recycled cardboard to make four small recycling bins.



Scissors or cutter
Glue or tape
Safety gloves

Be careful when using scissors or cutters.

1. 量度廢物箱的長、闊和高。

1. Measure the length, width and height of the bin.

2. 將廢物箱分成四個等分,並計算每一等分的長、闊和高。

2. Divide the bin into four equal parts and calculate the length, width and height of each part.

3. 使用紙皮箱或卡紙,依所量度的尺寸製作四個小型分類箱。

3. Use a recycled cardboard to make four small bins according to the measurement above.

4. 小型分類箱完成圖。

4. A small bin is completed.

5. 將四個小型分類箱放進廢物箱,並貼上適當圖示。

5. Put all the four small bins into the bin with suitable labels.

6. 回收時,將小型分類箱內的各類廢物放進適當的回收箱。

6. Put each type of waste into the correct recycling bins.

動腦筋Think about
計算回收箱的收納量Calculate the capacity of the recycling bin

體積是 cm3

體積是 cm3

根據以上計算,一個未壓平的鋁罐的體積等於約 個已壓平的鋁罐的體積。


As shown in the figure below, calculate the volume of an aluminum can before and after compression.

Before compression:
Volume is cm3

After compression:
Volume is cm3

According to the above calculation, the volume of the non-compressed can is times of the compressed can.

From this activity, you learn that we can compress the solid waste to decrease its volume before putting it into the recycling bin. This allows the bin to hold more solid waste.

科技應用Application of technology
使用立體打印機製作垃圾袋分類夾Using 3D printer to make bin bag clips


If a 3D printer is available in your school, you can download the ready-made models for 3D printing from here. Follow the instructions and print two bin bag clips. You can then use them to fix the bin bags firmly on the bin for waste separation (recyclable and non-recyclable). If a 3D printer is not available in your school, you can use four folder clips instead.


3D-printed bin bag clips

立體打印檔 3d printing files


How to use: Use the two clips to fix the bags firmly on the bin for waste separation

如你已學會基本的 3D 繪圖技能,你也可使用一些 3D 製圖軟件(例如Blender),嘗試更改模型設計,例如修改夾子的大小以用於不同尺寸的廢物箱。
If you are familiar with 3D graphic tools (e.g. Blender), you can design your own 3D bin bag clips.

在 Blender 載入模型檔案。

Import the 3D model using Blender


Select the part that has to be adjusted


Revise the part and then print it out

使用 Scratch 製作廢物分類遊戲Using Scratch to design a waste separation game

Scratch 是一套網上電腦程式開發平台,你可在 Scratch 上學習編寫電腦程式,輕鬆製作遊戲、動畫或互動程式等。

你可參考以下預製的 Scratch 程式及資源組件,並依網頁示範製作一個簡單的廢物分類遊戲。完成後可與同學分享,幫助推廣環保意識。

‘Scratch’ is a computer programming platform that you can learn how to write codes, design games, animations and applications.

You can explore the programmes and resources provided by Scratch below. Try to design a simple waste separation game with reference to the sample. Share your game with your classmates to promote environmental protection.

Scratch 示範專案Scratch sample project
步驟 1: Step 1:


Click here to open the Scratch sample project. You can see all the necessary sprites have been prepared in this sample project already.

步驟 2: Step 2:

點擊藍色回收箱角色,依圖示從上方「程式」介面拖拉「事件 > 當角色被點擊」到右方「程式區」。

Select the ‘Blue recycling bin’ sprite. Drag ‘Events > When this sprite clicked’ from the ‘Scripts’ panel to the Script Area as shown.

步驟 3: Step 3:

isChecked – 回收箱被點擊(1代表被點擊);
score – 計算分數;
userAns – 用戶選擇的回收箱類型(由1至4分別代表廢紙、金屬、塑膠及垃圾)。

Under the ‘Scripts’ panel, select ‘Data’ and click ‘Make a Variable’. Create the followings variables:
isChecked – indicates whether the recycling bin is clicked or not (1 represents recycling bin is clicked) ;
score – calculate the score ;
userAns – type of recycling bin that player selects (1: Paper, 2: Metal, 3: Plastics, 4: Litter)

步驟 4: Step 4:


Check the variable ‘score’ as shown to make it visible on the screen. Drag the score panel to the top right corner of the screen.

步驟 5: Step 5:


Select the ‘Blue recycling bin’ sprite. Drag the variables from ‘Data’ to the Script Area as shown.

步驟 6: Step 6:


Select other recycling bin sprites and repeat step 5 respectively. Instead of 1, set variable ‘userAns’ to 2 to 4 respectively to represent different type of recycling bin.

步驟 7: Step 7:


Select the ‘Parrot’ sprite. Drag the necessary blocks from the ‘Scripts’ panel to the Script Area, then enter or change the variables to the suggested values as shown.

步驟 8: Step 8:


The structure of the game is basically completed. Currently the game has only 1 question and you can click the button as shown to test the game. You can click here to check the sample project at this stage.

步驟 9: Step 9:


You may duplicate to the program blocks in step 7 to create more questions (select the blocks as shown, then right-click and choose ‘Copy’). In each new question, you should change the text and variables pointed by arrows as shown to set the new question and correct answer.

步驟 10: Step 10:


The game has been completed. You can click here to check the completed project.

步驟 11: Step 11:

你可在左上方點擊「檔案 > 下載到您的電腦」,下載這遊戲程式的離線檔。如你想分享這遊戲,需要申請並登入 Scratch 帳戶。

From the top menu, select ‘File > Download to your computer’ to download the project. If you want to share this game, you need to log in with a Scratch account.

分享有關廢物處理的新發明或概念產品Sharing on new inventions or concepts of waste treatment


Globally, many individuals, organisations or companies have been conducting research on developing new waste treatment methods. Below are some examples. Evaluate their practicality and share your views with your classmates.



Suggested keyword:


我想分享的新發明/概念產品 /方法名稱:
New invention / concept / method that I want to share:
My opinion:
垃圾袋分類夾Bin bag clips
此樣本模型使用Up mini 2打印而成This sample model is printed by Up mini 2
建議打印設定:Suggested printing setting:
層片厚度Layer Thickness 0.3mm0.3mm
填充InFill 0
質素Quality 一般Normal
密封表面Surface 2層2 layers
支撑Support 沒有支撐No support
間距Space 8 lines8 lines
基底Raft 沒有基底No raft
Terms and conditions:

This work, ‘Bin bag clips’, is a derivative of ‘Cell phone microscope’ by clarimer under Creative Commons - Attribution license. ‘Garbage bag clip’ is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license by Aristo Educational Press Ltd.

沒有使用權限No access right


Your school does not have the access right to open the resources of this series.