> 4A

Book 4A Chapter 36


Teaching scheme (Book 4A)
Teaching scheme (S4 to S6)


36.1 Rate of reaction
36.2 Average rate, instantaneous rate and initial rate
36.3 Methods for following the progress of a chemical reaction
36.4 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in gas volume
36.5 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in pressure of a reaction system
36.6 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in mass of a reaction mixture
36.7 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in colour intensity of a reaction mixture
36.8 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by titrimetric analysis
36.9 Choosing an appropriate method to follow the progress of a reaction
36.1 Rate of reaction (bilingual version)
36.2 Average rate, instantaneous rate and initial rate (bilingual version)
36.3 Methods for following the progress of a chemical reaction (bilingual version)
36.4 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in gas volume (bilingual version)
36.5 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in pressure of a reaction system (bilingual version)
36.6 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in mass of a reaction mixture (bilingual version)
36.7 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by measuring changes in colour intensity of a reaction mixture (bilingual version)
36.8 Following the progress of a chemical reaction by titrimetric analysis (bilingual version)
36.9 Choosing an appropriate method to follow the progress of a reaction (bilingual version)
Rate of chemical reaction (combined version)
Rate of chemical reaction (bilingual, combined version)


Chapter 36
Skill Builder 36.1


Chapter 36
Skill Builder 36.1


Book 4A suggested answers


Chapter 36


Content page


Chapter 36


Exam practice Q1 (M.C.Q.)


Content page


Chapter exercise M.C.Q.
Exam practice M.C.Q.


Chapter exercise M.C.Q.
Exam practice M.C.Q.


Book 4A Corrigendum (May 2023)