下載模型(供桌面/筆記型電腦使用)Download model for desktop/laptop computers
建議打印設定:Suggested printing settings:

trebuchet_part1.stl, trebuchet_part1a.stl

層片厚度Layer Thickness 0.25mm0.25mm
填充InFill 0
質素Quality 一般Normal
密封表面Surface 2層2 layers
支撑Support 有支撐With support
密封層Dense 2層2 layer
角度Angle 10 Deg10 Deg
面積Area 5 mm25 mm2
間距Space 8 lines8 lines
基底Raft 有基底With raft

trebuchet_part2.stl, trebuchet_part2b.stl, trebuchet_part3.stl, trebuchet_part3b.stl

層片厚度Layer Thickness 0.25mm0.25mm
填充InFill 0
質素Quality 一般Normal
密封表面Surface 2層2 layers
支撑Support 有支撐With support
密封層Dense 2層2 layer
角度Angle 30 Deg30 Deg
面積Area 5 mm25 mm2
間距Space 8 lines8 lines
基底Raft 有基底With raft


層片厚度Layer Thickness 0.25mm0.25mm
填充InFill 0
質素Quality 一般Normal
密封表面Surface 2層2 layers
支撑Support 沒有支撐No support
基底Raft 沒有基底No raft
0 0
Terms and conditions:

This work, ‘回回砲’, is a derivative of ‘Trebuchet’ by danowall under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license. ‘回回砲’ is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license by Aristo Educational Press Ltd.