雅集科學新世紀 - 電子教科書(網頁版)使用指引 Aristo Science for the New Century - e-Textbook (Web version) User Guide

1. 登入 1. Signing in


在以下位置輸入用戶名稱及密碼,並選擇 教師學生 ,再按 登入 Enter your username and password at the following area, then select your role ( teacher or student ) and click Sign in .


成功登入後,可見以下主目錄界面: If you have signed in successfully, the following content page will be shown:
1 選擇課本、互動練習或其他資源 Select textbooks, e-Quiz exercises or other resources
2 選擇單元 Select an unit
3 按此隱藏左方選單,方便閱覽課本內容 Hide the left menu for easy viewing
4 查閱版本資訊 Check the version history
5 更改文字大小 Change the font size
6 切換中文或英文版(如提供) Switch between Chinese and English version (if available)
7 登出 Sign out


選擇單元後,可見以下課文界面: After selected an unit, you will see the following book page:
1 章節選單,如已開啟相關章節,右方會顯示   Select a section (if the section has been accessed before, a    will be shown)
2 課文內容 Book content
3 按此開啟更多內容 Click this button to open more information
4 按此開啟相關互動練習 Click this button to start the related e-Quiz exercise
5 與本節有關的電子教學資源 The related e-Learning resources in this section
6 返回主目錄 Back to content


忘記密碼 Recovering a forgotten password

如忘記登入密碼,請參考以下步驟重發密碼: If you have forgotten your password, please refer to the following steps to receive the password:
  1. 教師帳戶 Teacher Account
    (i) 教師開啟以下網頁並依指示透過電郵收取密碼: Teachers can open the following page and follow the instructions to receive a password reset email:
  2. 學生帳戶 Student Account
    • 一般帳戶 General Account
      (i) 學生開啟以下網頁並依指示透過電郵收取密碼: Students can open the following page and follow the instructions to receive a password reset email:
    • 虛擬帳戶(由本社按需要為學校製作) Dummy Student Account (prepared for schools by Aristo on request)
      (i) 教師登入以下網頁: Sign in the following page with the responsible Teacher Account:
      (ii) 在上方選單點按 重設「虛擬學生帳戶」密碼 可查閱並為學生重設成預設密碼。 Click Reset the “dummy student account” password on the top menu to review and reset the student’s password to default setting.


更改密碼 Changing the password

如要更改登入密碼,請參考以下步驟: If you want to change your password, please refer to the following steps:
  1. 教師帳戶 Teacher Account
    (i) 教師登入以下網頁: Sign in the following page with your Teacher Account:
    (ii) 在上方選單點按 更改用戶資料 可更改密碼。 Click Edit account information on the top menu to change the password.
  2. 學生帳戶 Student Account
    (i) 學生登入以下網頁: Sign in the following page with your Student Account:
    (ii) 在左方選單點按 我的帳戶 > 更改密碼 可更改密碼。 Click My Account > Change password on the left menu to change the password.

2. 筆記及繪圖功能 2. Notes saving and drawing function



Highlighting text

於課文界面,在選擇課文後,下方會出現顏色選項。點選適用顏色可將該段文字加上螢光筆效果。如在流動裝置上使用,可長按以選擇文字。 After selecting text on book page layout, you will see a colour panel at the bottom. Click on a colour to highlight the selected text. If used on mobile devices, you can long press to select the text.

* 每次最多只可為一段文字加上螢光筆效果 * Only one paragraph can be highlighted at a time.

點選已加上螢光筆效果的文字,從下方選單點擊「X」可清除。 Click on the highlighted text, then press “X” to clear the highlighting effect.



Adding notes

於課文界面,依下圖點擊    圖示,可為該段課文新增筆記,輸入後按 儲存 Click on the    icon shown on the book page layout, then you can add notes for that paragraph. Click Save to save the notes.
再次點擊    圖示可顯示已輸入的筆記。 You can check your notes by clicking the    icon again.
按    可新增書籤 Click    to add bookmark.



Saving or printing notes

於課文界面,點擊右下方的 + 按鈕,可開啟以下選單: You can open the following menu by clicking the + button at the right bottom corner of the book page layout:
1 跳至本節各段 Jump to different parts in this section
儲存筆記到雅集雲端硬碟 Save the notes on Aristo Cloud
(注意:離開網頁前,緊記先點擊此按鈕儲存本節筆記,否則系統將不會記錄。) (Note: Before leaving the page, please be reminded to press this button to save all your notes marked on this section, otherwise the system will not keep any record.)
顯示本節所有筆記 Show all notes marked on this section
a 按此跳至該筆記的位置 Click to jump to that note
b 刪除這筆記 Delete this note
c 列印筆記 Print all notes in this section
d 關閉 Close
4 顯示本節所有書籤 Show all bookmarks in this section
5 退出選單 Close menu



Drawing function

於課文界面中點撃圖像放大後,圖像下方會出現以下選項。 Click on an image on the book page layout to enlarge, then you can see the following options under the image.
1 開啟繪圖工具(只顯示於及支援桌面或平板電腦) Open drawing tools (this option will only appear and work on a desktop or tablet computer)
2 顯示或隱藏繪圖 Show/Hide drawings
3 在新分頁開啟圖片 Open the image in a new tab
繪圖工具功能簡介: Introduction of the drawing tools:
1 「選取」工具 — 切換至此模式後可選取繪圖,選取後可 ‘Select’ tool - Switch to this mode to select a drawing, then
  1. 拖曳或縮放繪圖 drag or scale up/down the selected drawing
  2. 刪除繪圖 delete the selected drawing
  3. 更改繪圖顏色或線條寬度 change the colour of the drawing or line thickness
Draw (free-form)

Draw straight line

Draw single arrow

Draw double arrows

Draw rectangle

Draw ellipse

8 加入文字︰ Add text:
  1. 雙擊文字框後,可於半透明框內輸入文字 Double-click on the text box to input text on the translucent area
  2. 按「Enter」鍵輸入內容 Press ‘Enter’ key to apply text
  3. 按「Esc」鍵取消修改 Press ‘Esc’ key to cancel any change on the text
Use ‘Select’ tool to select a drawing, then click this button to delete it.
Clear all drawings
Select a colour for the line or text

Change line thickness

Zoom in/out the image

Save drawings

3. 互動練習 3. e-Quiz



Select an e-Quiz exercise

依下圖點選適用的互動練習類型: Select an e-Quiz exercise from the following menu:



e-Quiz menu

學生版: Student’s version:
點擊練習標題開始 Click the title to start the e-Quiz exercise
教師版: Teacher’s version:
報告 - 顯示學生的成績報告 Report - Show the student’s performance report
預覽 - 預覽學生的作答界面 Preview - Preview the student’s answering page



Student’s answering page

按「下一頁」到下一題。當按下「下一頁」後,系統會自動記錄目前的進度,學生重開這練習時可查閱或更改已作答的題目。 Click “Next” to go to the next question. After clicking “Next”, the system will automatically save the current progress. Students will be able to check or change their answered questions if they open the exercise again.
完成後按「提交」可遞交答案給教師,但提交後便不能更改。 Click Submit to submit the answers to teacher, but students cannot change their answers after they have submitted the e-Quiz.



Performance report (Teacher’s version)

可按此開啟班別管理頁面,將校內學生移到任教的班別,以便查閱成績(內頁附有使用指引) Click here to open Class management page, where teacher can move the students into various classes for report generation. (User guide provided in the Class management page)
如已在班別管理頁面製作班別,可在此選擇 If teacher has created a class from Class management page, the class can be found from here
3 班別顯示成績報告 Show the results by selecting a class
4 按此可選擇查看所選單元內不同練習的成績報告 Switch between different performance reports from the selected unit here
5 按此顯示每一位學生的成績和回應 Click here to show the results and responses of each student
6 按此顯示答案 Click here to show answers
7 按「整體報告」按鈕可下載整體報告的 Excel 檔案 Click the “Overall report” button to download an Excel file of the overall report

4. 系統訊息及解決方案 4. Troubleshooting


如操作時顯示以下系統訊息,請參閱相關解決方案: If the e-Textbook shows the following system message, please refer to the suggested solutions:
(i) 未能在你的裝置上建立離線資料庫。離開本網頁前請謹記上傳你的筆記到雅集雲端硬碟,否則所作筆記將會遺失。如問題持續,請聯絡你的系統管理員。 (i) Failed to build an offline database in your device. Please be reminded to upload your notes to Aristo Cloud before leaving this web page, otherwise the notes will be lost. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator.
情況:在使用本電子課本時,系統會嘗試在電腦內的暫存資料夾製作離線資料庫。如不能成功建立將顯示這訊息。 Situation: When using the e-Textbook, the system will try to build an offline database in a temporary folder and save in the user’s device. If failed, this message will be shown.
解決方案: Suggested solutions:
  • 請確定用戶有足夠權限在電腦內儲存檔案,並確保電腦硬碟內有足夠空間。 Please ensure the users have been granted with the appropriate access right to save files in the devices. There should be enough storage in the devices too.
  • 即時不能建立離線資料庫,用戶也可透過儲存筆記到雅集雲端硬碟(詳情請參閱 步驟 2.3),確保下次開啟時可顯示已儲筆記。 Even the offline database cannot be built, users can save the notes on Aristo Cloud (please check Step 2.3 for details) to ensure they can read the notes if they open the page again.

5. 於 iPad 中儲存登入資料 5. Storing sign-in information on iPad


啟動自動填寫密碼功能 Enable AutoFill Passwords

1. 開啟「設定」,於左方的目錄選取「密碼與帳户」: 1. Go to “Settings”, choose “Passwords & Accounts” from the left menu.
2. 啟動「自動填寫密碼」。 2. Enable “AutoFill Passwords”.


儲存登入資料 Storing sign-in information

輸入用戶帳號及密碼並按登入,首次登入時 Safari 會詢問用戶是否要儲存密碼,點擊「儲存密碼」。 Enter your username and password and sign in, Safari will ask if you want to save your password when you have signed in for the first time. Click “Save Password”.
成功儲存密碼後,於再次開啟電子課本登入頁面時,系統會自動填寫登入資料。Safari 輸入資料的欄位會以黃色強調顯示。如資料未能自動填寫,用戶亦可於以下系統界面選擇已儲存的帳號而無需再次輸入用戶帳號及密碼。 After you have saved the password, Safari will automatically fill in your information on the sign-in page when you visit the e-Textbook again. Fields where Safari has entered information are highlighted in yellow.

If the username and password have not been filled in automatically, you can select your saved account from the system interface as shown below after clicking the fields. You do not need to enter your sign-in information every time.


管理已儲存的密碼 Managing stored passwords

1. 開啟「設定」,於左方的目錄選取「密碼與帳户」。 1. Go to “Settings”, choose “Passwords & Accounts” from the left menu.
2. 點擊「網站與 App 密碼」。用戶可於此頁面更改或刪除已儲存的密碼。 2. Click “Website & App Passwords”. User can modify or delete stored passwords on this page.


如我選擇了「此網站永不儲存」,如何重設自動填寫密碼功能? How to enable AutoFill Passwords again if I have chosen “Never for This Website”?

如你於 步驟 5.2中選擇了「此網站永不儲存」,你也可依以下步驟手動添加並儲存登入資料: If you have chosen “Never for This Website” in Step 5.2, you can still manually save your sign-in information in Safari as follows:
  1. 開啟 設定 > 密碼與帳户 > 網站與 App 密碼,點擊右上方「+」。 Go to Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Website & App Passwords, click “+” at the top-left corner.
  2. 輸入以下登入資料:
    Enter the following sign-in information:
    Website: aristo.com.hk
    Username/Password: (your e-Textbook account)
成功儲存密碼後,可按照 步驟 5.2讓登入頁面自動填寫你的資料。 Your password will be saved and you can follow Step 5.2 to make the sign-in page automatically entered with your information.