Google Earth Worksheet
Google Earth Basics
M1-1 Touring different urban land uses: Docklands in London, Malay Reserve in Kuala Lumpur and favelas in Rio de Janeiro
M1-2 Look into Kai Tak: Build your own site
M2-1 Earthquakes and plate boundaries: The relationship between plate boundaries and earthquakes
M2-2 Tracking typhoons in Asia: Typhoons in 2010 and 2011
M3-1 Agricultural landscapes in China
M4-1 Measures taken by the three countries: What has been done by China, Singapore and the UK
M5-1 Transnational corporations (TNCs): Parents and subsidiaries
M5-2 The global shift: Reasons for this migration
M6-1 Renewable energy tour: Look at some renewable energy facilities from space
E1-1 World Timezone Clock
E2-1 Facts of climate change
E3-1 Population explosion: The change of world population from 1950 to 2050
E4-1 Sandstorm in the world (I): The location and size of major deserts
E4-2 Sandstorms in the world (II): Studying sandstorms from space
E5-1 Flights and flu: The relationship between air transportation and the spread of swine flu
E6-1 Look at the oceans: Ocean currents and sea surface temperature
E6-2 Look at the oceans: Human activities at the oceans
Measure the Earth: Is our Earth a sphere?