Founded in 1978, Aristo Educational Press is dedicated to publishing quality textbooks and supplementary materials for secondary schools in Hong Kong and Macau.

As one of the major textbook publishers in Hong Kong, we strive to enhance effective teaching and optimum learning by bringing our deep experience and innovative ideas to the development of educational products. By providing a wide variety of educational materials that are closely connected to the curriculum and the latest social changes, we deliver on our commitment to supporting teachers and students alike as we help maximize teaching and learning experiences.

Over the years, our textbooks and supplementary materials, which cover nine major subject areas, have earned a solid reputation for excellence, as evidenced by their popularity among local schools and the international recognition they have received.


作為香港主要的教科書出版社之一,本社一直秉持提升教與學質素的宗旨:既在傳統之上精益求精,亦不斷因應課程和社會需要推陳出新, 力求為學校提供最新和多元化的教學產品,從而輔助教師教學,提高學生的學習興趣,達致教學相長的目的。

本社出版的課本及教材涵蓋九大科目,並廣為學校採用; 所製作的教學資源更屢獲國際教育機構認可,足見本社的理念與教學產品備受外界肯定。

Subjects we cover include:

Apart from textbooks, supplementary exercises and other teaching materials, we are also actively developing electronic learning resources, such as online teaching support, mobile apps, e-textbooks, online tests, news studies and much more, with frequent updates to reflect the latest social developments. By making learning relevant to real life, we strive to create the most effective environment for teaching and learning. Most of our materials can be found on our subject websites and are easily accessible to students and teachers.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

除課本、補充練習及輔助教材等傳統資源外,本社近年亦積極發展電子教學資源, 包括網上教學支援、手機應用程式、電子課本、網上測驗、新聞研習等,並不斷緊貼教學趨勢, 不時更新科目內容,務求將課本知識與現實生活緊密扣連,達致更佳的「教」與「學」效果。各科目大部分教材現已上載於學科網站內,以供教師及學生使用。


We have been developing e-Learning content since 2000 and have been keeping abreast with the latest developments in information technology. With a view to promote effective teaching and learning, we provide schools with digital teaching materials and resources that are diverse, practical and innovative.

We have also developed a wide range of online resources and applications compatible with popular mobile devices, thereby allowing teachers and students to engage in the teaching-learning process through their tablets or smartphones any time, anywhere.


隨着流動裝置日趨普及,本社也精心製作了多個流動裝置應用程式,讓教師和學生可隨時隨地通過平板電腦或智能電話進行教學活動。 現時,教師和學生可於App Store及Google Play下載本社的流動應用程式,詳情可瀏覽以下連結: