Experiment 36.1 — Studying the progress of a reaction by measuring the change in volume of a gaseous product

實驗 36.1 — 透過量度氣態生成物的體積變化以跟隨化學反應的進度

Experiment 36.3 — Studying the progress of a reaction by measuring the change in mass of a reaction mixture

實驗 36.3 — 透過量度反應混合物的質量變化以跟隨化學反應的進度

Experiment 36.4 — Studying the progress of the reaction between permanganate ions and oxalate ions by measuring the change in colour intensity of the reaction mixture

實驗 36.4 — 透過量度反應混合物的顏色深度變化以跟隨高錳酸根離子與草酸根離子反應的進度

Experiment 36.5 — Studying the progress of the reaction between bromine and methanoic acid by measuring the change in colour intensity of the reaction mixture

實驗 36.5 — 透過量度反應混合物的顏色深度變化以跟隨溴與甲酸反應的進度

Experiment 36.6 — Studying the progress of a reaction by titrimetric analysis

實驗 36.6 — 進行滴定分析以跟隨化學反應的進度

Experiment 37.3 — Investigating the effect of temperature on rate of reaction

實驗 37.3 — 探究温度對反應速率的影響

Experiment 37.5 — Investigating the effect of surface area on rate of reaction

實驗 37.5 — 探究表面面積對反應速率的影響

Experiment 37.6 — Investigating the effect of catalyst on rate of reaction

實驗 37.6 — 探究催化劑對反應速率的影響

Experiment 51.1 — Determining the rate equation of a reaction using method of initial rate (A microscale experiment)

實驗 51.1 — 使用初速法求出反應的速率方程(微型實驗)

Experiment 51.2 — Determining the order of reaction with respect to hydrochloric acid for the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid

實驗 51.2 — 就碳酸鈣與氫氯酸的反應求出對應於氫氯酸的反應級數

Experiment 52.1 — Determining the activation energy of the reaction between peroxodisulphate ions and iodide ions

實驗 52.1 — 求出過氧二硫酸根離子與碘離子反應的活化能

Experiment 52.2 — Determining the activation energy of the reaction between bromide ions and bromate ions

實驗 52.2 — 求出溴離子與溴酸根離子反應的活化能

Experiment 53.1 — Investigating the action of a catalyst

實驗 53.1 — 探究催化劑的作用