> 3A

Topic 9 International conflicts and crises in the 20th century (I) – the two World Wars

Coursebook (Answer-checking PDF)
Flipped Classroom
PPT Topic 9 - Topic Overview
PPT Topic 9 - A Introduction to the two world wars
PPT Topic 9 - B (1) International relations and reasons for conflicts before the two world wars (The First World War)
PPT Topic 9 - B (2) International relations and reasons for conflicts before the two world wars (The Second World War)
PPT Topic 9 - B (3) International relations and reasons for conflicts before the two world wars (Summary: Was WWII a continuation of WWI?)
PPT Topic 9 - C (1) Decolonization of Asia and Africa and the rise of the 'Third World' in the post-war period (Decolonization of Asia and Africa after the Second World War)
PPT Topic 9 - C (2) Decolonization of Asia and Africa and the rise of the 'Third World' in the post-war period (Rise of the Third World)
PPT Topic 9 - D (1-2) Wars and inventions: the total war, new military warfare, and other inventions (Change in the mode of warfare)
PPT Topic 9 - D (3) Wars and inventions: the total war, new military warfare, and other inventions (Technological innovations brought by wars)
PPT Topic 9 - E (1-5) Genocide: using the Holocaust as an example
PPT Topic 9 - E (6) Genocide: using the Holocaust as an example
Study Notes
Teaching Handbook (Suggested Lesson Plan included)
Workbook (Answer-checking PDF)